If you have any questions at all regarding registration for your player, please feel free to contact one of the registrars (In-house at inhouseregistrar.greenesocce[email protected] or Travel at travregistrar.greenesocce[email protected])
1. Age groups are explained on the age group chart by birth year. NO PLAYER will be permitted to play up to an older age group without an email from the parent to the appropriate registrar asking that your player be considered for play up. After registration, there is a link where you may send an email to the registrar.
"U" stands for "Under" in the chart below. For In-House Soccer in Greene County U5 & U6 go together into the U6 Playing Group. U7 & U8 go together into the U8 Playing Group. U9 & U10 go together into the U10 Playing Group.

2. PA West, our parent organization gives us deadlines that must be kept. If we are late, we get fined. There is a maximum fine of $1000 for late registrations in effect for this playing season. We cannot extend the registration deadline any longer due to the requirements that PA West places on us. When we say we need documents or money, we really do not have much time to waste. After registration closes, we only have a few weeks to finalize everything that we need to do in order to get the season going. It takes an incredible amount of time.
3. You are responsible for selecting the appropriate uniform size for your child. Please make sure that you check the size during registration. We order uniforms from the info that we have at registration. If we need to order a replacement shirt for your child due to a wrong size, you will be required to pay for the replacement shirt.
4. Sometimes it becomes necessary for teams to be combined across age groups, genders, or School Districts. Greene County United Soccer Club is dedicated to the opportunity for ALL kids to play soccer and our focus in on player development. When you sign up to play soccer, you are signing up for the opportunity to play. You are NOT signing up for a specific team, a specific coach, a specific gender, A GUARANTEED SCHOOL DISTRICT, a winning season, a team with all players at the same skill level, or a specific spot on a team. There are policies in place to maintain team integrity and player development. If you don’t want your child to play on a team with an opposite gender, there is a possibility that your child may not get to play.
5. You can request a coach, and those requests will be passed to the coach. Requests DO NOT guarantee that your child will be placed with that coach. If you would like a certain coach to coach your child, it is best to talk to the coach.
[NEW FOR SPRING 2017] 6. Your account must be paid in full by the date of the roster establishment meeting. If you select to pay by check and do not send the check in or do not request a scholarship for your player, your player will not be placed on a team roster until payment is received.